Star Wars Imperial Remnant

Imperial RemnantThe Imperial Remnant, furthermore known as the IR or just the Empire, can be one of the four primary factions in Thrawn't Vengeance. After their disastrous defeat at Endor, thé Galactic Empire has been tossed into disarray. Numerous Admirals and Moffs divided away, forming their personal Warlord Kingdoms. Although various tried to re-unité the Empire once even more, the final demise of the Emperor brought to extensive infighting within thé Empire ánd its fall as an entity for almost two decades. Ultimately an Imperial Reunification brought to the development of the Imperial Remnant.

The Inperial Remnant is whats left of the Empire after they were defeated by the Rebel Alliance/New Republic. According to legends, they retreated/were pushed back to a small corner of their territory and were usually left to fight amongst themsel.


Star Wars Imperial Remnant Vs First Order

  • The Imperial Remnant was formed in 19 ABY after the death of Emperor Vadim and the end of the Galactic Civil War. This article is a stub. You can help Star Wars Mush Wiki by expanding it.
  • The Remnant's entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia presents another discrepancy by captioning a picture of the Moffs of the Fel Empire as 'Imperial Remnant leaders' —the comic series Star Wars: Legacy had earlier confirmed that the Fel Empire was a unique successor state of the Remnant, created at some point before 127 ABY.